In the past three years, Al-Hayat has a great reputation for selling Lenovo genuine spare parts and equipment’s.
Against that the great company (Lenovo) had given and authorize Al-Hayat for three continuing successful years 2016, 2017 and 2018.
((A huge step forward to successful future))
Al-Hayat company is now an official registered internet service provider (ISP) licensed from the Communication & Media Committee (CMC).

((A new way for communicating))
After all these situations that our beloved country Iraq has been through since past years for slow internet service, and for catching the new technology world-wide.
Al-Hayat company has submitted a request to Communication & Media Committee to authorize her for sell, trade, install and maintain space communications equipment and systems (VSAT), this request come with successful agree the last.
And now Al-Hayat is official authorized for (VSAT) services.

In compliance with market requirements for genuine parts and equipment’s and from official well-known names companies,
Al-Hayat signed a (Notification of Partnership) with HP (name goes without definition), the last authorize Al-Hayat as an official distruster agent for HP equipment here in Iraq.
Our participation in the Baghdad International Fair
Hayat companies participated in the Baghdad International Fair, the 43rd place on 1 to 11/10/2016 on the wing of the Ministry of Post and Communications keep pace with the development in the field of technology and networks the company has received a large turnout by the citizens and visitors of the exhibition was to explain the nature of the company’s services in a professional manner by relevant officials and officials of the wing and answer all questions and inquiries to be a lot of satellite offices and the media has done interviews with the staff of our company
Our company also privileged to visit some officials and ministers like Mr. Director General of the General Services Company International Network and Mr. Attorney General and the Director of the Minister of Commerce and other dignitaries
Al-Hayat company for internet and communication LTD, a well-known company for providing the internet all over Iraq.
Now signed a (Passing Contract International Capacities) with the Iraqi Telecommunication & Post Company ITPC,
The contract is a frame agreement that the ITPC has signed to agree that Al-Hayat company can use the national company infrastructure to pass its international capacity through this network.
Our Company Sign Contract with ITPC for official local and ports operations
((Great work, means great quality))
Al-Hayat has been assessed and certified by QMS Global as confirming to the requirements of:
ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & OHSAS 18001:2007.
This certificate in applicable to:
Engineering, furnishing, installing and testing state of the art information technology, communications and business automation systems and equipment for commercial, industrial and governmental clients.
Our Company Contract with SCIS to be one of the official ISP in IRAQ
Hayat Company invited in GITEX Global Fair and contract with cable-free company to supply wireless equipment
Our company became one of the official authorized ISP in IRAQ
Hayat Company invited in GITEX Global Fair